Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Arvind Eye hospital, TED speech ..

The change a single person has done to society, Dr Govindappa Venkataswamy ..

"When we grow in spiritual consciousness, we identify ourselves with all that is in the world, so there is no exploitation. It is ourselves we are helping, it is ourselves we are healing ..".


It is a pity that modern society lacks this connect with the poor man, a part of the society .. This is the reason why we aspire to be super rich inspite of seeing the poor in the society. Why some among us tend to be corrupt. We lose that connect with the society.

1 comment:

  1. as it is said "it is the same self which resides in me and is the real me as it does in you". ifit really is true (which one has to believe is true and remind oneself time and again), all the miseries vanish and there is tranquility. It leads toempathy and associated benefits. But then, this world is a play of the illusory maya and thats what sustains the world. The ego. The drama would extinguish ifthe self isrealized by a majority. But then, the ego seems to be gaining ground with every passing day which is bad..


Class discussion on Tata Nano failure ..

Yesterday in the MBA sem 2 Innovation class, I discussed the case study on Tata Nano, why it failed in the Indian market. This is a copy of ...

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