Thursday, December 08, 2011

Justice N Santosh Hegde, former Lokayuktha Karnataka in T John College ..

It was a great occasion listening to Justice Santosh Hegde speaking to students on the occasion of the inauguration of the 2 day science fiesta of T John college of pharmacy.

When a person indulges in corruption, he loses the moral right to be a human being !! - Justice Hegde.

It was Sri Ramakrishna Hegde former Chief Minister of Karnataka ( I was a great fan of his..) around 1980-84  who initiated the post of Lokayuktha in the country for the first time.

The Governor of Karnataka has even told that if the CM Sadananda Gowda recommends Justice Hegde's name for the post of Lokayuktha a second time, he will clear the file in a minute's time.. !!



  1. the state will great to have a leader like justice santosh hegde.. by 'means' of him atleast can reach the 'goal' to abolish "corruption".. and normal man can lead a fruitful life..

  2. dear Sir

    I always have admired the integrity and courage of Justice Hegde in the day in age. Truly heroic. would like more insight coming from you over time.


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