Tuesday, April 03, 2012

If Ravi Rishi sings, skeletons could tumble out , the Tatra truck deal ..

Earlier Gen V K Singh, the to be retiring Chief of Army staff fired a salvo at Defence Minister saying that in spite of India being the no.1 arms importer in the world, with deals of almost $ 20 billion in the offing, India's defence is very weak and is just 3% safe .. The defence Minister immediately instructed the Defence Ministry to see that all officers right from Chief to anyone who matters be held responsible for delays and inefficiencies in defence procurement.

This way a big leak happening thru the defence officers who were just interested in eating from the funds but were not held responsible for any lapses and wrongdoings was immediately plugged. The yapping Gen V K Singh will now be more careful when he opens his mouth the next time.

The Tatra trucks deal is another huge embarrassment for the Army. When there is very clearly laid down instruction that no middle men should be involved in any defence purchases, how come BEML contacted Ravi Rishi of Vectra Holdings, instead of Tatra trucks itself for the procurement worth crores of rupees. It was in this context that a parasite by name Lt Gen Tejinder Singh contacted Gen V K Singh last year with a Rs 14 crore bribe to clear the Tatra truck deal. Why did Gen Singh keep mum then ? To protect his corrupt army generals ?


Tatra T815 Kolos

The other image shows a BEML procured Tatra truck moving along Koramangala roads in bangalore two days back..

Most of the defence personnel are above greed and corruption, ready to give their lives for the country.

But a handful, are waiting like wolves, in their greed for money to even give their country up ..


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