Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Silk route, Spice route of 200 BC and Information Route 2000 AD .

Let us get to know some very old history of the world because it tells us what our forefathers did for a living and how enterprising they were, and how better and smarter we need to work to keep up with their ingenuity.

The National Geographic Genographic Project tells us about our ancestry and where we all came from. By now it is known that all human beings around the world came out of the eastern coast of Africa ( the cradle of human civilization) about 55,000 - 60,000 years back, ie. roughly 2400 generations back. 

Pictured above is the spice and silk route of 200 BC. Remember during that time there were nothing like motor cars, airplanes, locomotives, telecommunication channels, proper medical care, proper educational opportunities or the Internet .. Yet trade prospered .. The main routes were the silk route and spice route.

The red route is the land route and blue, the sea route, routes superimposed on a NASA image of the world... Global trade happened along this route till 1200 AD where countries and traders made wealth and had cultural intercourse with the different peoples of the world. This is also the time when trade prospered in Kerala, Gujarat, Chennai, Calcutta and parts of South East Asia..

Interesting to know the parts of the world which had some semblance of trade and development were Asia, North  and East of Africa and South Europe, around 200 BC. The rest of the world was a big zero ..!! Interestingly, this was also the route taken by Alexander the Great before he succumbed to his own fame and died like a dog back in Greece after causing untold misery to the people along half this route from Greece to Pakistan ..

Extending for 6500 kms and spread over the Eurasian African landmass, the route was the main trade route for all goods and cultural trade in the ancient world .. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silk_Road

Now the silk route has given way to the Information Route which centres around America-Europe and Asia .. If silk, spices,persian carpets, ivory and tea were the catalysts for earliest trade in the world, modern day catalysts are Information, technology, globalisation and the Internet ..

It is improper guidance and understanding of the glorious history of our motherland which makes many of us discontent and sceptical of a bright future for our country and seek mirage-like greener pastures elsewhere ..

If civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the science of human relationships - the ability of all peoples, of all kinds, to live together, in the same world at peace.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/civilization.html#pRsA0iebyHU2YK5Z.99
"If civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the science of human relationships - the ability of all peoples, of all kinds, to live together in the same world at peace " - Franklin D. Roosevelt.
george ..

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