Monday, May 14, 2012

Checksheet for teaching community ..

We have heard of checksheets being implemented for industries and service setup. But have you heard of a checksheet for teacher. How can a teacher for Management continuously improve the learning teaching process and the teaching-delivery process.

1. You have prepared well for today's class ?    Strongly disagree(1)  Disagree(2)  Neutral(3)   Agree(4)    Stongly Agree(5)

2. Cases can help students understand business processes well  Strongly disagree(1)  Disagree(2)  Neutral(3)   Agree(4)    Stongly Agree(5)

3. Numericals help the student to quantify what he has studied and helps to grasp the basics better    Strongly disagree(1)  Disagree(2)  Neutral(3)   Agree(4)    Stongly Agree(5)

4. Experential acitivity helps students to understand concepts better.   Strongly disagree(1)  Disagree(2)  Neutral(3)   Agree(4)    Stongly Agree(5)

5. Simulation games are a good tool to teach concepts   Strongly disagree(1)  Disagree(2)  Neutral(3)   Agree(4)    Stongly Agree(5)

Value added activities : 

1. You are preparing for introducing a case in the class today.          YES / NO

a. If yes, have you taken copies of the case to be distributed in the class  YES / NO
b. Have you read the case well and ready to initiate the discussion  YES / NO
c. Students have been distributed the case and are informed of the discussion in the class ?  YES / NO
d. How are you motivating the students to come up with different perspectives of the case?  
e. How are you driving the students to discuss the case?  
f.  Are you planning to introduce the concept by first discussing the case among students ?  YES / NO
g. Are students recording their comments / observations ?  YES / NO

2.  Are you dressed well ?  YES / NO

3. Is your self confidence high ?   YES / NO

4. Have you read the newspaper of yesterday / today and recent magazines ?   YES / NO

5. Are you using chalk and blackboard or presentation through laptop ?

6. Have you prepared to present a brief intro to the class         YES / NO

7. Do you require any extra items to be taken to class           YES / NO

8. Have you prepared how you want to conclude todays session ?  YES / NO

9. Are you up-to-date with events in the field ? Strongly disagree(1)  Disagree(2)  Neutral(3)   Agree(4)    Stongly Agree(5)

10. how many Industrial visits have been arranged this semester ?

11. You continuously give students chance to  self evaluate themselves ? Strongly disagree(1)  Disagree(2)  Neutral(3)   Agree(4)    Stongly Agree(5)

12. Students are very comfortable to ask and clear their doubts to you ? Strongly disagree(1)  Disagree(2)  Neutral(3)   Agree(4)    Stongly Agree(5)

13. My classroom delivery this year has more value than what was delivered last year.Strongly disagree(1)  Disagree(2)  Neutral(3)   Agree(4)    Stongly Agree(5). 

All contents are original and is released under Open Documentation License. Users are free to use and redistribute this content for academic purpose only.

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