Ready for occupation Dec 2012 .. work 90% over .. 2 nd floor ..
A train of thoughts and writings on development, technology and the economy focusing on the socio-techno-economic-cultural surge of developing economies to regain and partake in leadership of the world. Written by George Easaw, member of the faculty of Business Administration of Allliance University, Bangalore, India. (This is purely an academic site, no commercial use is allowed. Photography rights lie with the respective organisations). Mention credits as needed.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Planning for new home for Paul ..
Ready for occupation Dec 2012 .. work 90% over .. 2 nd floor ..
Friday, September 28, 2012
What Facebook members offering gifts to other members mean ..
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Dr Raghuram Rajan puts blame on slow governance ..
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Money does not grow on trees ..
Monday, September 24, 2012
a big heart - Narayana Hrudayalaya, Bangalore ..
The guru of Industrial product design ..
Very first comp was just a circuit board,, with case and keyboard added later. |
Friday, September 21, 2012
Take a trip to Mars . . . !Indeed amazing video..........!!!!!!
Dear All,
Please enjoy seeing this clipping......Amazing" is not an adequate word to describe this clip!
Simply awesome, especially as it is in HD!
Don't you miss it.
Click here for: "How to Get to Mars. Very Cool!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
How the self driving car works - under the bonnet .. .. Some theory ..
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Technologies behind the self driving car ... |
1,08,000 people are killed every month all over the world in motor related accidents, to rise to 1,10,000 by 2020.
More than reducing fuel consumption, it is the discipline on the roads combined with low accidents which is how human beings are going to be benefited by this technology.
No idea whether Indian Institutions or auto companies have started research in this area.
How Apple goes about its design process ! Interesting read !!
Watch the web link here ..
Monday, September 17, 2012
Free Open online Courses from Stanford Uty on Computer Networking and Energy / batteries ..
This is part of their MOOC, large learning platforms ..
Hard Rock Cafe experience ..
I am discussing about "Hard Rock cafe" in the class during the coming days .. Hard Rock Cafe is a rock n' roll theme based chain of international restaurants, it has also got restaurants in Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi, Pune, Hyderabad and Chennai . Never been to any of them, but I am sure lot of my friends and music fanatics would have already visited visited a couple of them already and have their own opinion to talk about the place. ( My colleague in Alliance has visited five already..).
Sincere regards,
George Easaw
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Global competitiveness levels 2012 ..
Some real fireworks from today ..
Friday, September 14, 2012
Dr. Manmohan Singh bites the bullet, finally ...
Dr Manmohan Ssingh has finally passed the FDI in multi-brand retail today in the country. He has finaly bitten the bullet. He was quoted as saying, if we have to go down, let us do it after doing something good.
The antics of the eccentric lady Mamata from Kolkata, the Left parties and the main opposition party BJP will start from tomorrow for the whole of India and the world to see ....
Something interesting .. a really magic square ..
You too can do such a square ..
Thursday, September 13, 2012
What is the diff between 6 sigma and 3 sigma quality ?
Here is an explanation .. ( from the theoritical base..)
99.73% observations lying outside the +- 3 sigma limits amount to .27 units lying outside the 3 sigma control limits in 100, ie. 2.7 units in 1000, 27 units in 10,000, 270 units in 100,000 and 2700 units in a million. Clearly very bad quality !!
If you check up in the simulation link given below, for a sample mean of 50 mm and a standard deviation of 2 mm, you will find the 6 sigma limits of 50 +- 6 x 2 = 38 and 62, producing about 0.002 parts outside the 6 sigma limits. Considering the possibility of the shift in the process mean by a maximum of 1.5 sigma, ie 1.5 x 2 = 3, with the mean shifted to 53 with the same 6 sigma limits of 38 and 62, we find exactly 3.4 parts in a million going out of the 6 sigma limits.
Just keep this in mind : 6 sigma methodology works to "reduce variability in a process" and Lean systems work to "reduce waste in the process ".
World University QS ranking 2012 .. IITB needs to go up further ..
What we need to figure out is what can we do despite the negative efforts of our Babus ? Can we keep a target, let us be within the top 50 within the next three years .. A very humble aim, but achievable .. Without an aim, we can hardly start our journey to the top ..
The Business Giants of the world and their competitive edge !
Operations was what differentiates these companies form the number two in their respective areas.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
End of Iron Ore Mining in Goa ?
The clean chit given by the govt in allowing them to carry on with their activities unhindered over the last couple of decades has shocked the people of Goa beyond any measure. The author was perplexed to see how these big industrial houses were misusing Iron Ore deposits, the part of revenue from which should have gone to the people of Goa to build good schools, public health centres, hospitals, better rail road infrastructure and opening of new Industrial / software parks where Goans would have got jobs instead of them having to go to other metros within India and abroad for a living !! Sadly, it has been swindled !! What a pity !!
In the process they made themselves out of reach of the law of the land., but that is a far dream. The law will catch up with all these swindlers mastering in treachery and deceit over the years .. Nobody knows how much money they must have transferred to Swiss Banks ..
PARRIKER needs to establish himself as a man of words, comparing with his behaviour in the last tenure as CM of Goa, where he has displayed more of opportunism and parochialism than patriotism !! Now that the finger points only at the opposition, he has come up with harsh statements. Hope Parrikar would not change his colour and promise, if some of his party people are also found involved in this.
The author once worked with Velingkar iron ore mines, another Iron Ore family, in Dharbandoda, Ponda Goa around 1989 for a small period and is very much gripped with the environmental damage these mines pose for the community and the state in general - the mountains of reject and the pits of the ores.
It is the story of suddenly "green" mountains turning to "murky" lakes and beautiful country side with blue lakes turning to "baldy, barren" mountains of rejects from the mines ..!
Hope this does not become yet another cheap trick the politicians and the business houses are playing on the hardworking, peace loving people of Goa !! ;)
Tuesday, September 04, 2012
Justice Santosh Hegde in Alliance Uty, Bangalore 3 sept, 2012 ..
Quoting Justice Hegde, since India got independence, we have had about 74 scams, each involving more than INR 5 crores, with the total scam money unaccounted, amounting to Rs 96,600 lakh crores !! All this money has disappeared !! My tax money and your tax money !!
Calling corruption in the country to be basically of two types, compulsive - where the common man is forced to pay a bribe even to get some of his basic rights and privileges, is the most inhuman. The second type, collusive, is not because of any need for money but being infected with the Greed Over Need disease !! The inordinate delay in clearing cases of corruption in the country, some even going upto 18 years, is another cause for people losing the fire to pursue such issues in public fora.
Democracy being the govt of the people, by the people and for the people, all decisions and legislation are for the benefit of the people. The Constitution of India starts with the terms " We, the people of India", meaning the constitution is proposed by the people of India. The representatives sitting in parliament pass legislation only ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE, not substituting them .. The people are supreme, not the representatives elected by the people for a five year period !!
Dearth in Honesty to do one's own work is a malaise affecting our country now !
We lack feelings of compassion and concern for our fellow beings, we are just homo sapiens, not human beings. He quoted a Kannada proverb, become what you want to become, but first be a human being !!
He exhorted the students and faculty to "boycott people who are corrupt". (Let us ostracize them from our society ..). Let us not look at wealth to determine the status of a person. How legitimately one has earned wealth is the most crucial and deciding factor of all .. Legitimately earning wealth, as much as possible, is again a right of the people of India ..
To wrap up his talk , it was the lack of understanding of the word contentment and a desire to illegitimately acquire wealth beyond one's needs, that is the cause of all evil. We citizens have to act against this now and act we must !! He did not miss on stressing the need for having moral science / value education and civics to be taught in school to young children.
The sincerity and honesty of the person is evident from the fact that even after holding one of the most powerful posts in the state of Karnataka for over 5 years, Justice Hegde, even now, does not possess a plot of land or a housing site in Bangalore, only a two bed room flat for his family.
Sincerity and honesty is not for everyone sitting at the Bar.. There are distrustful people there too .. A lot of his respectful and honorable colleagues in the Karnataka High Court and even Supreme Court, had usurped such opportunities for their personal benefits, making them ineligible of the respect of the common man. Justice Hegde set the benchmark too high for them to reach or aspire for .. It is a pity that the same people whom we look up to show high standards of probity and integrity in public life, fail miserably to do so !
As a lone exception, Justice Santosh Hegde stands out from among the crowd !! He is not only a proud son of Karnataka, but indeed of the entire nation !! One about whom I can always talk with pride to my grandchildren ..
Sunday, September 02, 2012
The diff in presumptions between Catholics and Orthodox Christians as regards worship and service ....
My present inquiry through this article is to throw some light on this aspect which interests the youngsters of today .. Some of these points ( from a layman's perspective) are : ( these points came up in my discussions with a senior Cor Episcopa on 2 Sept, 2012)
Some among the laity seem to forget the following biblical verses : "Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve." Mark 10:43-45 (NIV)
4. Availability of time with unmarried priests : Provision for unmarried and Married priests in Orthodox faith compared to only unmarried priests in Catholic faith, speaks a lot about the time and commitment Catholic priests are able to give to any venture in comparison to Orthodox priests. Protestant priests also have a similar problem regarding time and commitment as they also have the provision to marry or remain single.
The tragedy is that the more recent TV evangelists like Thangu, Dinakaran and Co., KP Yohannan, MY Yohannan and the likes, have no interest in service of society than making a quick buck while the sun shines !! True spiritual entrepreneurs to the core !! Though they have been able to give some solace to a society running mad after material, worldly pleasures ..
Technologies to dominate space sector ..
The global space industry is poised for significant transformation over the next two decades, driven by emerging technologies that promise t...