Thursday, September 13, 2012

World University QS ranking 2012 .. IITB needs to go up further ..

Being from the academic line, this would be of interest to a lot of my colleagues ... Quite sad that we do not have any Indian University in the top 200 world list. 

As Former IIT Chennai Director Dr. P V Indaresan remarked, have the babus ( our ruling elite IAS officers, mainly from sociology and history background, with no knowledge of education, science or technology and research) ruined our higher education beyond repair ? See the link here ..

Let us hope we get more of bureaucratic assistance to take our Academic Institutions further down the drain soon enough, from our glorified Babus .. Good Luck, take our country further down ..

In the Asian rankings my alma mater IITB is at the top, IITB comes at 34, IITD at 36, IIT Chennai at 45, IIT Kanpur at 47, IIT KGP 56, IIT Roorkee 65, Delhi Uty 78, IIT Guwahati 89 in the top 100 .. Some solace finally ..

What we need to figure out is what can we do despite the negative efforts of our Babus ? Can we keep a target, let us be within the top 50 within the next three years .. A very humble aim, but achievable .. Without an aim, we can hardly start our journey to the top ..


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