Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Ponty and Hardeep shoot out.. Chattarpur farmhouse..

A funny news doing the round is the shootout near Delhi in a farmhouse where two brothers killed themselves. Ponty and Hardeep.. I do not know why the media is making such a fuss about it.  Misled brothers out of greed, kill each other. What's more to it ??

One of them is a liquor baron and has ammased loads of easy money by selling liquor.

In nature there are neither rewards nor punishments, only consequences..

In this case, consequences of amassing illicit money and real estate.. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/delhi/Was-Ponty-Chadha-shootout-planned/articleshow/17287108.cms

One has to suffer the consequences of his actions, be it earlier or later, that is the only question !


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