Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Saving democracy ..

Free expression of thoughts gets a boost in the world's largest democracy .. The news in Times of India was a great solace to all peace loving citizens  in the country. it also went to prove that some ghosts still remain only ghosts, how much ever hard their supporters in the govt and outside try to impose their writ on society..

Brilliant and bold editorial in The Hindu newspaperspeaking against the terror don ..

How the Mumbai girls silenced the Mumbai elite showering praises on a Hitler supporter, excellent article in the Firstpost newspaper ..

Kudos to Maharashtra Police for taking strict disciplinary action against the errant senior police officers and magistrate who were on the side of the oppressors and were trying to intimidate two innocent girls expressing their free and frank opinion on the Internet social networking site Facebook. Their efforts were to gag them and through them the society, to prevent free expression of thought ..

Thanks also go to the media, especially Times of India and Union minister Kapil Sibal and official machinery in Delhi, CM Chavan and the state machinery in Mumbai and to the thousands of peaceloving citizens of this great country who expressed their dissent in very strong words and who in no uncertain terms condemned the arrests and wanted stern action against the culprits. They need to be thanked by the society for fervently taking the case for the two girls (and also for saving the country) to stem such fascist roots from developing into a cancer in the society ..

India has won, Democracy has won !! 

In future, we need to sensitise the errant elements in the police and judiciary not to side with any anti-social elements acting against the basic democratic structure of the country and society..

The country is sad that a goonda leader is no more, but the grief should not be expressed by trampling on freedom of the citizens of this great nation !!

As Newsweek International editor Tunku Varadarajan said, " GOOD RIDDANCE THACKERAY. India’s now a better place”. There could no better expression of grief ..


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