Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My new Huawei Ascend G600 phablet ..


1.2 Ghz dual core ( upto 1.7 GHz) Qualcomm snapdragon ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snapdragon_%28system_on_chip%29 ) ARMv7 CPU chipset, working on 45 nm technology, this is the best in town at a great price of 15K on flipkart.

4.5" screen, 768MB RAM, 16GB memory, 2000 mAh battery, 8 MP rear camera and a .3 MP secondary front camera and Near field comm chip inbuilt, this is one of the best and cost effective smart phones around.

Even the iPhone 5 priced at Rs 43,000 in India has only 1.2 GHz dual core and 1 GB RAM with a 4" screen ..

Huawei is the world largest telecom eqpt manufacturer, having overtaken Ericsson in 2012. ..http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huawei .. Huawei's treatment of its workforce has received negative comments. Like how Apple phones being made in China by Foxconn had HR problems with its huge workforce in China.

A note for all fence sitters.

Why I went for this product is

1. Huawei is the world No. 1 company in Networking eqpt, having beaten the likes of Ericsson, Alcatel etc who are all history.. They would not stake their repute on this product.

2. The trend these days is to go for Chinese products, like 100% of Apple products is manufactured in China with Samsung Korea display and baseboard components. Be part of the Great China resurgence story ( as all Americans do..) !!

3. Huawei and Samsung are leading the race to ascertain Asia's dominance in the world electronics and networking eqpt esp mobile phones scene.

4. It is always a good feeling and exciting confidence to be with the leader ..

5. Cost innovation Huawei has brought about at just one third the cost of an equally comparable iPhone 5.

6. Value for money is what I would say finally..


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