Thursday, January 10, 2013

TV impact on the common man ..

I was not aware of the impact TV was having on me till recently when due to a fault on my Toshiba 32" LCD, I could not watch TV for some time. It was exam time for my kids, so intentionally we decided to have the repair done after the exams by New Year.

Now it is past New Year and the feeling of not having a TV at home is not at all felt, as now we have more time to spend with family, more time to have dinner together, more time for prayers and over all less of distraction for my kids and myself from our work.

I may continue this for another two months till my daughter finishes her final exams and then we will take a decision to repair the TV then. Having an unlimited Internet at home does not cut us out from the world at all.

Earlier it was too much entertainment at home, be it films, news, song programmes and so on, all at the expense of quality time at home.

I have finally realised that not having a TV at home is not a sin  or we are not going to miss anything. The newspaper is still the most popular medium to convey news and thoughts to the people and talking is the best means of communicating with others..


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