Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tata Nano .. Megafactories.. NatGeo documentary ..

This documentary from National Geographic channel gives the challenges faced by Ratan Tata and his engineers at Tata Motors Ltd, India in the design, starting production and bringing in the changes needed to make Tata Nano not only the low cost in the car in the world by applying the latest cost reduction strategies with an innovative mindset, but also a technological marvel.
Their plans to do away with steering columns by shifting the engine to the rear of the car so that the front frame will by itself act to absorb the force of the impact and take out the stresses, was by itself a great innovative design which nobody in the world before had ever thought of. With a 70% automation at the Tata Nano factory in Sanand, Gujarat, this car is going to change the way people start looking at city transport.

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