Saturday, May 14, 2016

When not sure, keep quiet..

Facts about Somalia and Kerala. Criminal ignorance, that is why Modi is being kicked on social media ! I wonder whether he is the PM of the country or the PM of a political party only ? 

In fact the infant mortality rate of tribals in Kerala is better off than Modi's state Gujarat, which he ruled and destroyed in 10 years.

Kerala social indicators have been compared  with that of state of New York in US and here comes a PM who is more than happy to downplay such achievements, all to grab power ..

Should the PM be talking of his country like this ? When to keep the mouth shut is also an art of governing .. The people of Kerala are agitated by this wrong reference to the state by the PM of the country, who does not know much of developmental economics, only on monetary economics.

From wikipedia :
The Kerala model of development, is the style of development that has been practised in the southern Indian state of Kerala.
This state has achieved improvements in material conditions of living, reflected in indicators of social development, comparable to those of many developed countries, even though the state's per capita income is low in comparison to them.[1] Achievements such as low levels of infant mortality and population growth, and high levels of literacy and life expectancy, along with the factors responsible for such achievements have been considered characteristic results of the Kerala model.[1][2]
More precisely, the Kerala model has been defined as:
  • A set of high material quality-of-life indicators coinciding with low per-capita incomes, both distributed across nearly the entire population of Kerala.
  • A set of wealth and resource redistribution programmes that have largely brought about the high material quality-of-life indicators.
  • High levels of political participation and activism among ordinary people along with substantial numbers of dedicated leaders at all levels. Kerala's mass activism and committed cadre were able to function within a largely democratic structure, which their activism has served to reinforce.[2]

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