Tuesday, May 17, 2016

US Space Shuttle and India's RLV ..

Over 135 missions, US proved and confirmed
that it's Space Shuttle reusable vehicle
programme is a total disaster and unreliable..
Criticising the Space Shuttle is punching America in the face - Forbes mag.. 

NASA spent $196 billion on their failed, unreliable and overspent Space Shuttle mission (flew a total of 135 missions through 5 shuttles), at a claimed cost of $450 million for each mission on an average (the actual cost was $1.3 billion per flight).

At the launch pad
And who paid for all these, the Saudis and OPEC countries ..

India's preliminary Reusable Launch Vehicle (unmanned and one fifth the original size) due for launch on 23 may, 9.30 am IST,  has so far incurred a cost of INR 95 crores, which is app $15 million. (just 1.1% of US' app $1300 million per flight of the failed mission).

True, the failed space shuttle, deserves it's final resting place in the Smithsonian National air and Space muse um in Wash. DC.


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