Saturday, January 07, 2017

China's One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative, one sided ?

The bigger picture ...
China has been very vehemently pushing its  agenda of a "One Belt One Road (OBOR) Initiaitive" that connects eastern parts of Asia to Europe and then on to Africa, passing through all major countries , with the aim of promoting trade, co-operation among the countries in these continents.

A clear picture of who has annexed what ..
China's unique behaviour, do not know whether it accrues out of arrogance, ignorance or pride, has always been one-sided and favourable to China. Unmindful of whether the proposed project will be useful only to China as well to others, China has been trying to bull doze its way to India, the challenger to China into accepting it. China is well aware and knows that the route, also called the modern silk route, will bring great connectivity to China across these three continents, improving its reach, might and influence besides using it as an alternate escape and attack route in case of a US offence.

India has to be very shrewd and act with great tact into accepting this proposal from China, without falling into a great trap which is only going to improve China's access to the rest of the world. For the partial landlocked country, OBOR can vastly improve China's influence in the world.

Leaders, can they resolve the issues ?
India should be prudent enough to ask for its pound of flesh - normalisation of all points of concern.
1. An unconditional support to India's candidature in United Nations Security Council 
2. a relook at Indo-China border and 
3. return of Aksai Chin, Indian territory with China ..

Prof. Kishore Mahbubani of Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, NUS, Singapore proposes a new alignment and acronym, CIA standing for China, India and America in his upcoming book .  Whether the acronym will thaw the cold relations between the top major economic powers of the world and lead to better global environment of peace and stability may still remain a distant dream.

One fact, China needs to understand is, the Communist party may have it's way unopposed and unchallenged inside China and its leaders remain unopposed. But the same may not hold true in its relations with other countries of the world. India growing in its influence and strength of economy is an inevitable global force China has to contend with.

Treat India as an equal with China and US, things will change. India may not lead the world militarily or by use of brute physical force, but by its vibrant economy and global influence, as has been laid down by Indian leaders, past and present .. India's advances in the unexplored territory on other planets should be reason enough for global respect.


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