Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Prof. Clayton Christensen on Disruptive Innovation ..

Continuing his research on disruptive innovation..
Prof Clayton Christensen from Harvard Business School talking about how steel mills disrupted the business of integrated steel mills across the world, how Toyota disrupted the automobile market in US, a good example. How Personal computer disrupted the world wide computing market and made a big difference to the world ..

Listen to the talk as part of the Clarendon lectures at Said Business School, Oxford Uty 10 June 2013. 

What Prof. Clayton did not mention was how Indian space research is disrupting the established space research organisations of the world. When Russia and US were busy planning to fly to moon and fly space shuttles, India entered the market at the lower end with weather sounding balloons, weather sounding rockets etc. 

India is disrupting the space technology and research process by slowly going up the ladder and now is a challenger to NASA, with its own space shuttle protoypes, space telescopes, navigational satellites and satellites launching capabilities of different tonnage payload  for the rest of the world at the cheapest rates in the world, not forgetting the ailing Russian, ESA and Chinese space missions. In the beginning of Feb 2017, India will be launching 80 satellites for NASA at costs less than 50 % of what others would charge for such launches, cheaper than the private player Space X from Elon Musk. 

India cannot be complacent with its successes in space technology, but should try to offer high value missions to its customers from around the world in other fields too.

Disruptive innovation is the watchword which India and china needs to look around fo rand keep disrupting.  Innovation is the firm and sure way both these countries can dominate the world.

george ..

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