Monday, March 06, 2017

India's unique developmental journey vis-a-vis China's

China has always surprised me both with its size, its rich culture with the Indians and its authoritarian rule with Communists.

The Communists have been ruling the country since 1949, with an iron hand by Mao Ze Dong and the infamous cultural revolution till 1974 and then by the Communist party leaders taking the country to the path of reformation and renaissance since 1979.

Even though the country is developing fast under Communist rule, human rights are denied and this raises a lot of questions about whether China would continue its growth under the Communists. In comparison with India, world's largest and most effective and kicking democracy,  which ensures universal human rights and even managed to drive out the occupying English forces by 1947 and had their own government to rule over them, is making firm and rapid strides. It has even managed to outshine China for the past many years in registering fastest overall growth of the economy among all countries of the world, clipping growth at 7 - 7.5%.

Under the rule of the former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh, world renowned economist, the country managed to move from #9 position globally on GDP at purchasing power parity to # 3. The present PM Narendra Modi has come as a stop gap arrangement to satisfy the anti-globalisation forces currently sweeping the world, as a nationalistic alternative, but not as a rabid communal leader, as the opposition claimed him to be despite his poor human rights record in his home state of Gujarat in India. The PM is able to make marginal changes in the Indian economy with demonetisation and the economy is presently growing at a slow pace.

In public Dr Manmohan Singh true to his Cambridge class, keeps low profile and always looks forward to action than talking. The converse is true of the present PM, sparsely educated with questionable credentials, who has come to power out of an anti-establishment storm protesting against globalisation and its impact on India. The PM is always seen in public ridiculing his political opponents, pumping his fists in the air, Hitler style, not showing even scant respect for his political opponents. This is characteristic of the dogmatic, intolerant, intransigent political upbringing he has received from his parent organisation.

Globalisation opened up the economy in un-heard of areas, exposing chances of corruption. Many avenues for corruption hitherto unheard of in India opened up with globalisation and economic development. The political party in power then, had to face lot of ignominy when its political partners indulged in corruption left and right, trying to take a pie of the cake, The fact that the first anti globalisation impact was felt in India, resulting in nationalistic forces taking over, two and a half years earlier than the United States is evident enough of the maturity in Indian democracy over the US'.

The future holds much in store for India, as people are waiting for India to overtake United States to become the world's second largest economy, before overtaking China, not in the too distant future. The people in India have come to realise that growth and development is possible only with forward thinking political movements and not with communal organisations seeking to divide and weaken India.

The people have come to realise that Modi is to India as what Trump is to the United States, just a stop gap arrangement to pacify the anti-globalisation sentiment fanned by ill-effects of globalisation where the rich have become richer and richer. In India religion was just used as a tool to further the agenda of consolidation as it is seen the maximum beneficiaries of globalisation have been people from the majority community than from any others.

When India overtakes US in the near future, it will be at a threshold in developmental history of the country. In all of history China has never been a greater economy than India, than in the past forty years due to a curious twist in the industrial revolution, colonialism and the shift of economic growth from the east to the west, first centered around Britain and then at the turn of the century to United States.


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