Thursday, August 30, 2018

Hybrid MOOCS in Alliance University ..

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are the rage of the modern developed world to ensure lifelong learning and understanding of advanced concepts. Being taught by reputed Professors from reputed organisations across the world, MOOCs are being used both by students and employed professionals across the world to understand advanced and very modern concepts of knowledge to ensure lifelong learning. 

Being especially keen to ensure deployment of global standards of excellence and quality practices in Alliance University, around 2014-15, the Operations stream from AU first offered a hybrid course , integrating two MOOCs from with the core subject of Operations Strategy for MBA third semester students of Jan batch which I was engaging. One MOOC was offered before the midsem exams, MOOC on Competitive Strategy by Ludwig Maxmillens University, Germany and one after the midsem exams, Advanced Competitive Strategy, offered by the same University, (both were taught by Prof. Tobias Kretschmer). It was a success ! The exposure to the students was world class !! This was an augmentation for the students to classroom sessions and knowledge.

The hybrid learning experiment was continued in 2015-2016 for two more subjects.
We wish to share the learnings from this academic experiment with the faculty community of Alliance University. Prof. Sukanya Kundu from Operations stream of ASB has been going through many modern and latest MOOCs as a superior knowledge gathering and augmentation tool to help improve teaching and research effectiveness. As we know some more faculty from AU use MOOCs to augment their knowledge to ensure high quality academic delivery to students. This forum will help share our learnings and experience.

The Open Forum session this week looks at this knowledge sharing with the academic community of AU to help faculty across streams and Colleges to improve their teaching effectiveness and offer the best high quality learning experience to the students. Faculty members will be sharing from their personal experience. 
Date : 30 August 2018
Time : 3.30 - 4.30 PM
Venue : LHN 101
Topic of Discussion : Improving teaching effectiveness through MOOCs - live case study 
We shall be sharing a copies of a couple of draft papers from this experiment with the participants at the meeting. 
We request all teaching faculty looking to innovative ways to improve their learning effectiveness across the different schools of AU, across different streams of knowledge to participate in the discussion and help us to further the frontiers of knowledge.

Click here for a doc related to this ..
Click here for another doc on this topic  ..

Click here for the presentation ..


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