Thursday, August 30, 2018

Tiffany Brar and Jyotirgamaya Foundation ..

How a visually challenged girl with her courage and determination helped many other visually challenged people break the bondage of blindness and walk to self-respect and freedom .. 

Real grit and determination ..
Click here for an interesting video on Tiffany ..

Tiffany Brar, born in Chennai in 1989, now 29 years of age, in 2012 established Jyotirgamaya Foundation. An alumnus of Women's  college, Trivandrum in 2009 graduating from there in English literature, she resides in Trivandrum .. 

Her awards and accolades..

- In 2012, she received the *Kerala State Award for Social Worker*.

- In 2015, she received the *Women of the Year Award* from Hope Trust.

- In 2016, she received the *For the Sake of Honour Award*, Rotary International's highest award.

- In 2016, she received the Prestigious *Saarthak Naari Women Achievers Award*

- In 2017, she received the *Bold and Beautiful Award* from Doordarshan.

- In 2017, she received the *Sarojini Trilok Nath-National Best Role Model Award* from National Association for the Blind

- In 2017, she received the *Age of Unknown Award* by TEDx vazthacaud

- In 2017, she received the *National award for being a 'Best role model' * from the President of India

- In 2018, she received the *Women of the Year Award* from Job Day Foundation

- In 2018, she received the *Make A Difference Award* from Rotary International

- In 2018, she received the *Women of Vision Kerala vanitha Rathna Award*

- In 2018, she received the *Phoenix Award* from Padmasree Mammooty

- In 2018, she received the *Vocational Excellence Award* from Rotary International

- In 2018, she received the *Real Hero Award* by ZEE Tv from Vivek Oberoi ,Omung Kumar and Huma Qureshi

Let's salute this brave young woman ..


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