Back to a teacher .. |
Was really surprised to read that Jack Ma was planning to retire from active business life and become a teacher ..
Matha, pitha, guru, then comes God and all other worldly traps, desires, possessions and pleasures .. 🙏🙏
Jack MA, the founder of the business empire that is worth $430 billion, has understood this truth of life quite early at age of 54, wants to be a school teacher !!
He is relinquishing all the worldly desires, pleasures and luxury to take up the profession very close to his heart - to be able to mould the future young citizens of planet earth.
He is very hopeful of being able to spread the knowledge of life and the world around us, to be loving and caring to our fellow beings ..
He is relinquishing all the worldly desires, pleasures and luxury to take up the profession very close to his heart - to be able to mould the future young citizens of planet earth.
There are too many intelligent and unintelligent players in the spiritual / religious business realm across the world waiting to entrap and exploit the poor and the gullible. Their sole aim is just to ensure their own undisturbed material well-being and acquire all the material possessions of this world to help advance their domination and control of this world .. How dumb and pitiful a state of mind !!
There are the medical professionals who can liberate your worldly travails fro man-made problems and pains and helps one lead a healthy life. But the real heroes and saviours of this world, the liberators of this world are the teachers who take the pains to liberate you with KNOWLEDGE ..
And Jack Ma, was not too late to realise this truth of life !! In line with the rich Chinese civilization of 8000 years he inherits ..
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