Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Curating an Alliance Talk ..

What makes any talk captivating ??

Three points come to our mind

a. The ability of the speaker to talk well

b. The content of the talk

c. The preparations and setup

While thinking about the first point, we come across the following points :

  • Can we get a speaker to improve his talking style ? 
  • Can a speaker be trained to speak well ? 
  • Does he have a soul for talking on the topic ? 
  • Has he any practical experience or deep exposure to the topic of his talk ?
  • Can he speak fairly well in the English language ?
  • Does he have any inhibitions in speaking well ?
  • Does he require training to speak well ?
While thinking about the content of the talk, the following points come to our mind.

  • Is the topic of interest to the audience ?
  • Does the topic have common appeal ?
  • Can an ordinary member of the audience relate himself with the topic ?
  • Is the topic very scientific ?
  • Is the topic related to a problem which the people encounter in their daily lives ?
  • Can an understanding of the problem help make the society live better ?
While thinking about organising the talk, the following points need to be taken into consideration

  • Is the room properly echo insulated ?
  • Does the room have proper lighting and focusing systems ?
  • Does the room have good audio system ?
  • Is there seating for at least 200 people in the room ?
  • Is the dais properly visible to the audience ?
  • Does the room have a good recording facility ?

This process can take anywhere from 2 - 6 months. The time spent for curating your first talk series is time well spent.

Ideas is the most important, then comes speakers and thirdly the facilities. Start and end with a bang ..

So go ahead with your first talk (click here for a copy of this article..)


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