Friday, April 05, 2019

E-Waste (Management and Handling) Rules 2011

Electronic waste, or e-waste, is a term for electronic products that have become unwanted, non-working or obsolete, and have essentially reached the end of their useful life. Because technology advances at such a high rate, many electronic devices become “trash” after a few short years of use

E-Waste (Management and Handling) rules 2011 says that the producer of electrical and electronic equipment shall be responsible for
1. collection of e-waste during the manufacture of the e-waste and channelising it for recycling or disposal 
2. the collection of e-waste from the end of life of the products in line with the principle of Extended Producer responsibility by registered collection agents authorised by the producer 
3. the arrangement of collection centres or take back points collectively or individually 
4. ensuring transparent financing and organising system to ensure the environmentally sound disposal of e-waste generated by the end of life activities of the product 
5. Providing address / contact details of authorised collection centres or help lines of the producer of electric and electronic product to customers to ensure safe disposal of products 
6. creating awareness by advts / posters on       a. information on hazardous constituents in the components       b. information on improper handling / damage / breakage and recycling        c. instructions on handling equipments after its use, along with DOs and DONTs..      d. affixing a clearly visible signal to prevent e-waste from being dropped in garbage bins means for other types of wastes 
7. Obtaining authorization from the concerned authority to handle such e-wastes 
8,. Maintaining records of e-waste handled and make it available for scrutiny
9. File annual returns by 30 June every year for the just finished financial year

 The following seven brands are top ranked for their effective e-waste management practices
1. Onida
2. Intex
3. Lenovo
4. Nokia
5. Canon India
6. Panasonic India
7. Sansui India
I am sure with such good rules and regulations in place, if we as a whole try to practice these rules, we can be sure of  a safe and secure environment for our children in the future.


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