Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Challenges of the Indian Automotive sector..

At a function organised by Travancore Management Association (TRAMA) felicitating my friend Saji Varghese on his new assignment as Sr. GM of MRF in Gujarat, I found his talk to the TRAMA audience in Kottayam on the challenges faced by the Indian Automotive sector very informative. .. 

It was very well researched and insightful, educative too 👌👌 He touched on five main aspects, 

1. Impact of BS VI norms - the strict BS VI (Bharat Standards) norms by-passing the BS V, straightaway from BS IV, to be made compulsory on all vehicles sold in India from 1st of April 2020, has made quite a few heads turn, causing great uneasiness with auto manufacturers who are on a run to see that their inventory of BS IV vehicles is done away with before the cut-off date. This has resulted in automobile and heavy vehicle manufacturers cutting off their production and getting ready to bring in new environmentally superior variants.

2. Impact of auto aggregators like Uber and Ola in India - It is for sure, no doubt, Uber and Ola has changed the personal travel landscape efficiently and cost effectively for ever in the country. Even though in India, Ola presently caters only to the population in 110 cities with ten lakh ( a million) driver partners and Uber to forty cities, the cost effective value addition it has brought to the passenger experience is something beyond explanation. Particularly in big cities like Mumbai, New Delhi and Bangalore, it has made a big difference to the way people commute daily to their work and back and plan inter city visits and so on.

3. Rapid introduction of Electric vehicles - complying with India's adherence to the 2015 Paris Treaty on Climate Change, it is required that by 2030, we transition to EV range of vehicles to reduce the Carbon footprint of our vehicles and try level best to limit climate change. People like me, have taken decision to postpone our new vehicle buying decision till more efficient and cost effective EV models come to the market.  By 2020, Indian market will have Tata with their INR 10-12 lakh EV, Mahindra with their 10 lakh EV, Hyundai with their INR 25 lakh Kona and so on. Toyota is also planning to enter the market later in 2020, while Suzuki is trying with it's Wagon R EV model anytime early 2020.

4. Market uncertainty forcing prospective buyers to postpone their purchase decisions- most of the buyers who were planing to buy their cars after studying the market have decided to postpone the buying decision till the air is cleared regarding governmental support and pricing structures of the automotive companies. Also setting up of the necessary support infrastructure across the country will also consume some time.

5. Poor economic growth of Indian economy over the past six years - With change of government in 2014, the country's economic progress has been low, resulting in slow automobile industry growth in general.

6. Trend among new-age youngsters to avoid hassles of car ownership with rise of Uber and Ola - Who wants to invite trouble and headache in the cities driving cars, when the whole driving experience can be outsourced to startups with enterprising individuals ready to connect the people with the driver and owner of cars at very low and effective rates. In the bargain the passengers avoid the expenses and hassles of insurance, fluctuating fuel prices, frequent maintenance and replacement of spare parts, headache of going behind police cases, courts etc in the case of an accident etc ? I do not own a car in Bangalore for the past two and half years, how peaceful it has been ??

7. The second hand vehicle market facing a glut of old vehicles - with few buyers and high supply has had an impact and raised doubts on the resale value of cars on the second hand vehicles market,

My former MRF tyres boss felt the main reason was mishandling of economy by the new government over the past six years. He was of the opinion be it Ola or Uber, they also need cars, it also results in sale of cars. India car population is one tenth that of China. So there is great scope for sale and growth.

As BS VI introduction is mainly on fuel, the automobile should be able use cleaner fuels. Though automobile changes are much less , mostly tighter piston clearances etc. why should automobile sales plummet ? Nobody prevents selling BS VI cars before April 2020. 

Good planning will make cars available, so that you need worry about inventory of old cars, it will be sold out. Major reason for lower sale of commercial vehicles is low growth. That is the main reason for other vehicles too.

The concern made about the Electric vehicles is the same arguments people made when computers were introduced. There are also allegations that EVs being blocked by Petroleum industry bigwigs and auto industry captains, But will that strategy work when India has already committed to the international community at the 2015 Paris Treaty on Climate Change to bring in radical changes in the automobile vehicle pollution to help achieve UN goals of limiting global temperature change to within 1.5 deg Celsius to slow down climate change.

The difficult automobile industry changes have made families limit their spends on dress, eating and socialising, this has got cascading effects on other sectors of the economy too.

Overall the illness in the automobile sector is not only pulling back the auto ancilliary industries sector, it is also impacting other areas of the economy, pulling them back.

Hope our leaders take sensible economic actions that can help revitalise the economy and get the automobile industry back on track.


Tuesday, October 29, 2019

How to get a Live Linux USB ?

*How to start working on live Linux USB .. a cheat sheet*. 

Linux Ubuntu Mate 19.1 is the latest Linux .  The below instructions tell you how to prepare a live Linux USB. 

1. Get a 8GB blank USB 
2. Download the 2.5 GB Linux *Ubuntu Mate 19.1 iso file* from Ubuntu website to laptop (or get from any comp mag any other iso)
3. Open Windows USB startup disc creator
4. Make USB a live USB by installing the Ubuntu Mate 19.1 iso file 
5. Switch off laptop/PC 
6. Ensure live Ubuntu USB in USB port
7.  Switch on PC and allow to boot from USB.. 
8. Enjoy .. Ubuntu live USB
9. To enjoy Internet click on network icon, connect to wi-fi using login/password 
10. Open YouTube, put your headphones and enjoy good music or video. Nothing to beat Ubuntu audio and video playback . !!

The Laptop RAM is the RAM and the 8GB USB is your hard disc. Switch off using menu.

You can this way work on Linux on any windows machine without disturbing your windows files. From Linux, using file explorer you can even enter your windows machine directories and read and write on windows docs .. 

I would like to see all of you well versed to work on the FREE Linux OS, as an added skill, besides the old, stale, dumb and costly proprietary OS Windows .. 👍👍 

If you work on Facebook, Google, Android on smartphone, YouTube, Whatsapp, LinkedIn etc .. you are *already a hardcore Linux fan and user* joining 85% of global computer users using Linux for  tough backend database and enterprise operations. This tutorial will help you start using Linux front end software .. 

Enjoy great freedom using FREE and OPEN SOURCE software .. 🙏🙏🙏

Copyleft 2019, Alliance University, Bangalore. Prepared by George Easaw

Monday, October 21, 2019

My experiences with Ubuntu 19.10 ..

It's my weakness - to experiment and understand the latest developments in the personal computing world. And Linux OS offers me the best experience as I get the latest IT developments incorporated into the software. 

Last Friday, I installed the latest Ubuntu 19.1 - Eoan Ermine, as a live USB and has been using it since then. It's a great feeling to know that we are working on the latest in the IT world with special emphasis on the file system and the new Nvidia support.

Ubuntu 19.1, the latest kid in town ..
The real great improvement in this model is the support for ZFS file system and memory storage provided.

ZFS is a local file system and logical volume manager created by Sun Microsystems Inc. to direct and control the placement, storage and retrieval of data in enterprise-class computing systems. The ZFS file system and volume manager is characterized by data integrity, high scalability and built-in storage features -

For example, it can support high storage capacities, ie. maximum file size is 2^^64 bytes, maximum volume size is 2^^128 bytes, maximum number of files is unlimited.

The GUI is great, it works on Gnome version 3.34 and is supported till April 2020, when we expect Ubuntu 20.04 to be released.

I was listening to some Youtube videos on the headphones, and it was simply marvellous. Besides, the colour rendering of the Youtube videos was very very natural, sometimes even better than the original. The colour is very pronounced but not jarring to the eyes ..

The OS speed has improved and I should say it is one of the fastest around, as fast or even faster than MX Linux released two weeks back. The download file size was only about 2.1 GB.

While working on it for about 8-10 hours, I felt a lag only once for about 20 minutes, some operations were happening in the background, but otherwise, the speed was simply great ..

Libre Office is the Office suite supported in this OS, while Mozilla Firefox is the Internet browser, Thunderbird the email client.

I am sure the FOSS community would continue surprise the IT world with more exciting options and facilities in the future.


Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Future batteries - Nobel 2019 for Lithium ion battery ..

 Battery tech. would not have grown but for them..
In this article we are trying to trace the past and present of energy storage, as we know the future development of the human race depends to a large extent on how we are able to use energy to power our daily technology backed lives.  

Click here for an excellent video explanation of how the Li-ion battery works .. 

The history behind the portable energy storage through chemical batteries dates back to the early 19th century when it was found that electrons could be made to flow from the an electrode to another and this electron flow could be captured to emulate the flow of electricity.

The Lead acid battery developed by the French Physicist Gaston Plante in 1859 is still being used in automobiles and is one of the biggest inventions for more than a century in portable power. The automobiles used lead acid batteries for lighting and the initial spark to light the fuel, but not for running the heavy duty vehicle.

All electronic goods need less power and disposable chemical batteries have been a source of power for many years with portable electronics like the camera, music player and so on. When miniaturisation became the need of the hour, the focus shifted on how to increase the speciific energy capacity of batteries, ie., developing smaller and smaller batteries generating more and more of power, storing more and more power and finally sharing more and more of this power .. The research focused on finding better materials for the Anode and the Cathode.

The Lithium-ion battery has been one of the greatest discoveries in the past ten years as it has brought the miniaturisation revolution to almost fruition.

Most of the people seem to get confused with how, the same anode and cathode, seem to take different polarity in the activities of the battery. In the charging phase, the electrons move from the Anode to the Cathode. In the discharge phase, electrons move from the Cathode to the anode.

By a process called intercalation, ions can be inserted between layers of metals giving them a higher charge. Intercalation is the reversible inclusion or insertion of a molecule (or ion) into materials with layered structures. - 

Prof. Goodenough worked on substituting metal sulphide Cathode with metal oxide Cathode which were intercalated with Lithium ions but did not collapse when the Lithium ions were discharged. Goodenough's battery was twice as powerful as Whittihgham's battery and could be charged and discharged. By 1980, this triggered the wireless electronics revolution because of its low weight and portability. By intercalating the element layers with positively charged ions we can create positively charged electrodes which will attract the electrons during the charging phase. 

Yoshino's contribution to the development of the modern day Lithium-ion battery is that he replaced the graphite electrolyte in the battery with the more stable Petroleum coke. This brought out the latest Lithium-ion batteries which could be recharged over multiple cycles as the electrolyte did not collapse and thus had a longer life. Pure Lithium which was very volatile resulted in accidents and with Yoshino's design it was replaced by Lithium Cobalt oxide which was more stable, safe and could be manufactured in a variety of sizes that could fit into miniature electronics devices.

TESLA is using the same Lithium ion batteries which contain Colbalt, mostly mined from the Cobalt mines of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Africa. While a mobile phone battery may have upto 10g of Cobalt, a laptop battery can have upto 500 g of Cobalt and a car battery upto 10 kg of Cobalt.

Collapsing battery prices, courtesy Scientific American, Dec '18
While research is progressing around the world chemical engineering laboratories for finding better electrodes and intercalating materials, we can be assured that the world of miniature electronics is also bound to grow with potable power sources, especially in the defense and aviation sectors.

Like the automatic watches and battery powered watches moved to the Quartz crystal slid-state type watches presently, we can expect the batteries of the future to move from the electrode cathode variety of present day to the solid state type. 

The above graph shows how from $1000 per KWh in 2010, we have moved to $200 in 2020, it is expected the cost will stumble down to $80/KWh by 2030. Then only we can say EV can have a parity with cars. Magnesium-ion batteries which can store double the capacity of Lithium ion batteries are the future of batteries according to Scientific American. 

In short, we can say that the future of batteries is not the electrode and electrolyte type, though for the time being it is the best and has even got the Nobel Prize of 2019, in the long future it is going to be solid state device. 


Reference :

1. Koshy, Jacob, How did the Li-ion battery set off a technology revolution, The Hindu, 13 October, 2019, Last accessed 14 October, 2019.

2. Scientific American editorial staff, Batteries - beyond Lithium, Scientific American, Dec 2018, Last accessed Oct, 2019

Sunday, October 13, 2019

GAGAN, ISRO and Indian Railways

Imagine 350 LIVE TRAIN UPDATES on location and speed of trains, arriving every second, 24 x 7, at the Centre for Railway Information Systems (CRIS) central computers in Delhi from the 12,000 trains playing on the Indian Railway network, enabled by the GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation (GAGAN) system of ISRO, relaying both location and speed every 30 seconds from all the 12,000 trains on Indian Railway networks across the country in REAL TIME ..  

That's a lot of data inputs transmission in one of the largest Data Analytics experiments being planned by Indian Railways in human history, ably supported by ISRO.. 

This is the future of Indian Railways which is sure to offer lot of other unimaginable benefits for the rail traveling public in the country .. 

Presently with the partially realised system at CRIS HQ, ND, about 140 rail updates are being handled and analysed every second, which by Oct 2020 is expected to reach 350 updates per second. 

Way to go Indian Railways and ISRO .. 🙏🙏

Click here for the Economic Times link ..


Friday, October 11, 2019

Waste plastics and Renewology ..

When the Australian American Indian of Kashmiri descent, MIT alumnus and Renewology co-founder and CEO Priyanka Bakaya told the world the mounting plastic wastes problem of the world cannot be solved just by reducing and reusing, the world paused to look at what she had to offer. 

Renewology and Priyanka, Entering a circular economy for plastics  .. 
Bakaya feels reprocessing plastic wastes of all types and forms, into fuel, especially Diesel, with conversion ratios of 60 barrels of Diesel for every 10 tons of waste plastic from land and the oceans, (with 75% less Carbon footprint over conventional oil processing) can only help solve the world's mounting plastic wastes crisis. 

60 barrels of diesel (1 barrel =159 litres) is 9540 litres. Diesel, @ INR 70/litre, it is INR 6,68,000 revenue from every 10 tonnes of waste plastic.

20% of waste plastics is used as initial fuel to energise the process while 5% turns into char. The rest 75% is what is converted to Diesel, so in effect, this is a self-sustaining model ..

Besides the many land-based waste plastic processing centres in US, the first water-based waste plastics collection and conversion centre is fortunately and sadly on the world's most polluted river, Ganges at Varanasi, India. 

Finally MIT is showing the world how it can bring effective, self-sustaining,  innovative, lasting solutions to pressing problems of the world.. 

Will this be a game-changer finally ?

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The global space industry is poised for significant transformation over the next two decades, driven by emerging technologies that promise t...

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