Tuesday, October 29, 2019

How to get a Live Linux USB ?

*How to start working on live Linux USB .. a cheat sheet*. 

Linux Ubuntu Mate 19.1 is the latest Linux .  The below instructions tell you how to prepare a live Linux USB. 

1. Get a 8GB blank USB 
2. Download the 2.5 GB Linux *Ubuntu Mate 19.1 iso file* from Ubuntu website to laptop (or get from any comp mag any other iso)
3. Open Windows USB startup disc creator
4. Make USB a live USB by installing the Ubuntu Mate 19.1 iso file 
5. Switch off laptop/PC 
6. Ensure live Ubuntu USB in USB port
7.  Switch on PC and allow to boot from USB.. 
8. Enjoy .. Ubuntu live USB
9. To enjoy Internet click on network icon, connect to wi-fi using login/password 
10. Open YouTube, put your headphones and enjoy good music or video. Nothing to beat Ubuntu audio and video playback . !!

The Laptop RAM is the RAM and the 8GB USB is your hard disc. Switch off using menu.

You can this way work on Linux on any windows machine without disturbing your windows files. From Linux, using file explorer you can even enter your windows machine directories and read and write on windows docs .. 

I would like to see all of you well versed to work on the FREE Linux OS, as an added skill, besides the old, stale, dumb and costly proprietary OS Windows .. 👍👍 

If you work on Facebook, Google, Android on smartphone, YouTube, Whatsapp, LinkedIn etc .. you are *already a hardcore Linux fan and user* joining 85% of global computer users using Linux for  tough backend database and enterprise operations. This tutorial will help you start using Linux front end software .. 

Enjoy great freedom using FREE and OPEN SOURCE software .. 🙏🙏🙏

Copyleft 2019, Alliance University, Bangalore. Prepared by George Easaw

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