Monday, October 21, 2019

My experiences with Ubuntu 19.10 ..

It's my weakness - to experiment and understand the latest developments in the personal computing world. And Linux OS offers me the best experience as I get the latest IT developments incorporated into the software. 

Last Friday, I installed the latest Ubuntu 19.1 - Eoan Ermine, as a live USB and has been using it since then. It's a great feeling to know that we are working on the latest in the IT world with special emphasis on the file system and the new Nvidia support.

Ubuntu 19.1, the latest kid in town ..
The real great improvement in this model is the support for ZFS file system and memory storage provided.

ZFS is a local file system and logical volume manager created by Sun Microsystems Inc. to direct and control the placement, storage and retrieval of data in enterprise-class computing systems. The ZFS file system and volume manager is characterized by data integrity, high scalability and built-in storage features -

For example, it can support high storage capacities, ie. maximum file size is 2^^64 bytes, maximum volume size is 2^^128 bytes, maximum number of files is unlimited.

The GUI is great, it works on Gnome version 3.34 and is supported till April 2020, when we expect Ubuntu 20.04 to be released.

I was listening to some Youtube videos on the headphones, and it was simply marvellous. Besides, the colour rendering of the Youtube videos was very very natural, sometimes even better than the original. The colour is very pronounced but not jarring to the eyes ..

The OS speed has improved and I should say it is one of the fastest around, as fast or even faster than MX Linux released two weeks back. The download file size was only about 2.1 GB.

While working on it for about 8-10 hours, I felt a lag only once for about 20 minutes, some operations were happening in the background, but otherwise, the speed was simply great ..

Libre Office is the Office suite supported in this OS, while Mozilla Firefox is the Internet browser, Thunderbird the email client.

I am sure the FOSS community would continue surprise the IT world with more exciting options and facilities in the future.


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