Monday, May 04, 2020

Age-wise analysis of Covid deaths

While discussing with my son over the lockdown lifting in Bangalore and across the world, the additional infection and fatalities, against the ensuing industry closure and economy lockdown, I was arguing for more strict lockdown measures while my son was arguing for opening of the economy.  

He patiently put his point through - it's the 74 years plus who are mostly dying, what can we do about it? It makes not much difference  .. 

NY deaths, 14 April '20, AGENumber of DeathsShare of deaths
0 - 17 years old30.04%
18 - 44 years old3094.50%
45 - 64 years old1,58123.10%
65 - 74 years old1,68324.60%
75+ years old3,26347.70%

I found his argument that 50% of the deaths in NY city were of age 74+ years and 95% of the dead were 44 + years, to be very alarming but at the same time useful information ! I was arguing from my perspective and he was arguing from his side. It was a real eye opener for me !!!

I wanted to see the age distribution in the city of NY. (only age wise data available till 14 April '20), 

Pl click here for an age wise analysis in NY city ..

The facts he reeled out were 100% true. The Covid virus is taking away the old and aged from society, early. Quite natural !! 

In India almost 70% of population is below 44 years (with just 5% risk of dying of Covid virus, extrapolating NY data to India) and they are risking their future and livelihoods for the other 30% aged 44 years and above who are the most affected (with almost 95% death cases in NY).. He silenced me with just this one fact or statement..

Should we open the economy or extend the lockdown  ? Let us rethink hard ..

George  ..

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