Saturday, August 22, 2020

Pavaguda Solar park, Tumkur, Karnataka, India, second largest in the world ..

World's largest solar park is the 2245 MW (2.9x Idukki) Bhadla solar Park in Rajasthan  India. 

Second largest is 2050 MW Pavaguda solar park in Tumkur, Karnataka (2.5x Idukki).

Third largest is the 1800 MW  Golmud desert solar park in Qinghai China.

Here is an interesting 5 min video on Pavaguda solar park which is built on 13,000 acre drought prone land in Tumkur district at Pavaguda, 180 km rom Bangalore city at a cost of $2.5 billion and commissioned in Dec '19, helping power 1 million households and preventing 20 million T CO2 entering the atmosphere annually ... 🙏🙏

There are 5 nos. 50 MW plants in each section and 8 nos .of such sections (of 250 MW each) to make a total of 2000 MW capacity.  Power from each 50 MW section goes to a 220 KV substation through 66 KV/33KV underground cables. It is stepped up to 440 KV/220 KV and connected to the 765KV/440KV line at Tumkur and 400 KV /220 KV line at Gooty. 
The problem most o the solar plants face is the deposit of dust over months of open exposure to the sun and dust. In Kochi airport, the water used to clean the panels resulted in weeds  growth under the panels which frequently led to overgrowth which covered the panels and brought down the generation. In Pavaguda water-free autonomous panel cleaning is done by circular brushes which move over the panels. This reduces water consumption and prevents growth of weeds.  

Among the major power producers at the site are Azure power 100 MW, SB energy 200 MW, Fortune Power 250 MW and Tata Power RE 250 MW.

Karnataka State Power Development Corporation Ltd (KSPDCL) has taken 13,000 a res of drought prone land covering 5 villages in Tumkur Taluk on a 25 year lease from the farmers who are compensated at the rate of Rs 21,000 per acre per year for the first two years and are given 5% increase every two years.

The thin film PV modules are of 100 W each, though higher capacity modules are available in the market.

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