Monday, October 26, 2020

Amazon Alexa or Google Home, who is leading .. ?

 Tracking the impact AI pods like Alexa and Google home make in our lives, I have been using Alexa and Google Personal Assistant since 2017.

Click here for a controlled experiment I did on both to find out who is smart .. Alexa and Google were moving together at that time.. 

Click here for a Forbes link on who is better ..

  • Networking capabilities : Regarding information search and retrieval, Google Home / Personal Assistant is very forward, but for networking with other hardware, Alexa is far ahead of Google. With Alexa you can network with multiple hardware and issue almost 100,000 +  recognisable commands, Google is no where near. Networking with Syska smart bulb was cool for Alexa.
  • Understanding Indian English dialects : Alexa still finds it difficult to understand Indian English dialects but Google Home has no problem at all. I tried with different Indian english dialects and found Google Home response was fast and accurate. Alexa failed in this regard.
  • Making calls : While asking Alexa to make calls, it replied it could make calls only within US, while Google Home did it easily for me from my mobile.
  • Speed of responses : Google Home was very fast in getting responses because of its vast information repository, while Amazon had to rely on Wikipedia to come out with responses and hence was a bit slow. 
  • Music search : Google depended on it's Youtube for searching music which was a bit faster than Amazon Alexa, though both had a great variety of music. Alexa depends on Amazon Music.

Click here for my earlier 2017 writeup on Alexa and Google Home .. 

I am very much in favour of Amazon Alexa, though I am sure in the long run, Google Home will catch up with Alexa in its AI capabilities ...

 George ..


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