Sunday, October 25, 2020

Amazon - going skyward ..

As per data from, as of Oct '20, Amazon has climbed to be the second largest American (ninth largest global) business entity (click here for American list) in terms of revenue at $282 billion, profits of $12 billion, behind Walmart at #1 (revenues $524 billion, profits $15 billion) and ahead of Exxon Mobil at #3, (revenues $265 billion, profits $14 billion) ..

With an employee base of 0.8 million compared to Walmart's 2.2 million, it's profit to revenue is 4.1%.

Amazon additionally has a market capitalization of $1.58 trillion which is 4x that of Walmart at $0.39 trillion..

Clear pointers to where the future is, ie. e-retailing ..

Amazon alone sold about 12 million products (excluding books, media, wine and services) and 353 million products at the Amazon marketplace ..

With 150 million customers for it's Prime delivery and entertainment subscription, Amazon is destined for great growth in the coming years. 🙏👍
This morning when I logged in to Amazon, it announced that 0.5% of the value of my purchase from now onwards will go for charity.  Accordingly I have chosen an India Education fund at Amazon to give all my donations.
I find that Amazon globally has had a great third quarter last year with global sales touching $96 billion. It is expected that the fourth quarter of 2020 will bring in more revenues for Amazon, something to the tune of $112 billion. The total revenues for Amazon for 2020 will mostly cross $350 billion.

This will give you an idea of the top global 10 .. (all sales in $ millions) (Oct 2020 data ..

1. Walmart $523,964 (retail - physical and online)

2. Sinopec Group $407,009 (energy - oil and gas)

3. State Grid Corp of China $383,906 (energy - electrical)

4. China National Petroleum $379,130 (energy - oil and gas)

5. Royal Dutch Shell $352,106 (energy - oil and gas)

6. Saudi Aramco $329,784 (energy - oil and gas)

7. Volkswagen $282,760 (transportation - terrestrial)

8. BP $282,616 (energy - oil and gas)

9. $280,522 (retail - online)

10. Toyota Motor $275,288 (transportation - terrestrial)

Of the top 10 global corporations (click here, given above), we find
  • 6 are from the energy sector
  • 2 are from the retailing world, one physiocal and the other online and
  • 2 are from terrestrial transportation area, automobile giants

Of the top 10 Fortune companies (US listing, click here) we find 

  • 4 are healthcare companies
  • 2 are retailing cos.
  • 2 are technology companies
  • 1 energy and 
  • 1 conglomerate into insurance, tech, healthcare, clothing etc.

while in the top 10 Fortune companies global listing, there are no healthcare companies.  Another significant company that is missing is one of the promiosing AI companies, Alphabet (parent company of Google) which is at #29 global rankings and #11 in US rankings.


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