Sunday, November 29, 2009

India, Afghanistan, Pakistan and US.. Bright future for the world ?

The recent article by Fareed Zakaria in Newsweek, Nov 30, "The Prize is India", writes of how India's interests in Afghanistan are the same as US' - to defeat the Taliban and to support the elected Afghan govt.

Indian Govt's aid to Afghanistan has largely gone to build schools and infrastructure. While Pakistan on one hand is fighting the Pakistani Taliban in Waziristan  ( with an eye on the liberal US funding to keep a failed state going), it has not touched the Afghani Taliban in Baluchistan !! The prize US can expect by its intervention in Afghanisattan is not only Afghanistan but also a friendly, peaceloving, strong and democratic India. By supporting Indian actions in Afghanistan, and engaging Pakistan to finish off the Afgani version of Taliban, US will be eyeing on an early diplomatic and military settlement of the issue.

Quote : Obama must keep in mind that South Asia is a tar pit filled with failed and dysfunctional states save for one long established democracy of 1.2 billion people that is the second fastest growing major economy in the world, a check on China's rising ambitions and a natural ally of the United States. - unquote.

Just ahead of Dr Manmohan Singh's visit to US, all major news media have reported highly of the meeting of the leaders of the world's two major democracies. 

The declaration beforehand of UN Summit at CopenHagen on Global Climate by US, China and India to bring about exacting cuts in emissions from 17 % (US) to 40 % (China) and India (about 30-50%) by 2020 on 2005 levels, is a positive sign that the major economies can indeed work together and they mean business !!


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