Saturday, April 02, 2011

Nuclear moratorium CNR Rao vs Prof. Balaram ..

Some top scientists of the country led by Prof Balaram, dir IISc Bangalore came out with a statement6 calling for a nuclear moratorium across the world.

It was interesting to read of Prof C N R Rao, the great Indian scientist contradicting that call and calling the whole thing as foolish.

With Japan becoming a cause of worry not only to the Japanese, but also the world and nobody being in control in case of such a catastrophe, where even the brightest nuclear minds are numbed to see the damage and destruction caused by it, is it not right for the civilise world to call for an end to this means of energy generation ?

Has Prof  C N R Rao lost his senses trying to justify, even giving a crude example of whether all flights to Mangalore should stop just because of an air accident there some years back.. ?

The scientific community has failed miserably in explaining this scenario to the world and their silence is acceptance of their guilt and helplessness in getting the situation under control.

The world can ill afford a catastrophe of the size of another Chernobyl or Fukushima .. Can the nuclear scientific community explain to the helpless citizens of the world with a good enough reason why this madness should continue ?


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