Saturday, October 27, 2012

Forbes releases Indian top richie-rich 100, 2 billionnaires ..

2 Malayali Billlionaires, Kris Gopalakrishnan and Muthootu MG George ..

No. 51 - Kris Gopalakrishnan (former Infosys CEO) $1.24 billion
No. 55 - M G George Muthootttu, (Finance companies) $1.14 billion

No. 70 - S D Shibulal, (present Infosys CEO) $ 0.77 billion
No. 77 - Joy Alukkas, ( gold/diamond jeweller) $ 0.7 billion

All the four rich malayalis have earned their wealth within India, no 2 and 4 within Kerala ..

Vijay Mallya drops out of the list (out of mismanagement of Kingfisher airlines where he has persuaded large state controlled banks, by fair means or unfair,  to sink lot of the common man's tax money into his business, which is now sure to be lost for the Indian public, about Rs 7000 crores INR, app $1.2 billion ..) and Muthoottu George enters the list as the newest billionaire of the world ..

As of 2012, 1226 billionaires in the world have combined wealth of $4.6 trillion., 7.7% of global annual GDP 0f $ 60 trillion.

List of Indian billionaires ..

Kerala with a population of 32 million (out of global 7000 million)  - 0.45%, has two billionaires in the global ist of 1226 billionaires Kris Gopalakrishnan and MG George Muthootu .. - 0.16%.

India with population of 1200 million have 55 billionaires and is fourth in the world, after US, Russia and China. ..

Mukesh Ambani can buy Prince Al Waheed of Saudi Arabia (richest oil sheikh) once over  and be left with $ 8 billion in pocket ....

courtesy Forbes.


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