Monday, October 01, 2012

Materialism and Godmen in our lives ...

Has over stress on materialism, pleasures and worldly things made our generation very stressful, with no peace of mind and problem laden ? Is this leading to our over dependence in godmen for immediate solutions and quick-fixes to our man made problems coming out of greed and jealousy ?\

Are we responsible for breeding this cult of godmen, out there to make a quick buck and fame by claiming to have provided immediate succour to our ever growing list of diseases out of a sloppy, inactive, selfish lifestyle and tensed minds out of greed and insatiable desire to make money, the right or wrong way ?

This Saturday and Sunday, Prof M Y Yohannan of Kolencherry, Kerala, another of this cult, will be speaking to mainly christians in Bangalore.

What business has MYY to disturb peace and harmony in the church, claiming to be an o'dox christian ?

Should we allow the lame believers to attend such useless talks ? We can pray to God to give him the understanding that it is not by listening to his gift of gab and the routine material which he delivers that sinners are going to be saved. Instead let MYY get the peace of mind and understanding to tell the people to be satisfied with what they have , not to run after fame, money and riches..

Let God forgive MYY for this grave damage which he is planning to commit on the people of Bangalore this Saturday and Sunday.


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