Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Should Robert Vadra, outsider in the Gandhi family, continue to malign their name ?

It is a serious question every Indian would have on their tongue tips.

Should Robert Vadra son-in-law of Rajiv Gandhi be allowed to malign his name and that of his mother and grandfather for a petty 58 crores on land he initially bought from DLF for Rs 8 crores and then later sold back to DLF for Rs 58 crores, misusing his relationships with people in power ?

It is a known fact that money is the weakness of everyone, however powerful or weak they be. When they find money through legal means is insufficient to lead a luxurious life, these people, who cannot think enter into unholy dealings to make a quick buck.

Sadly this whole episode has maligned Sonia Gandhi's stand of probity in public matters. Before more muck falls on anyone's face, she should put an end to this !

Let the authorities investigate as to why DLF sold land to Vadhra for 8 crores initially and then bought it back from him for Rs 58 crores later ? Were there any quid pro quo dealings here which has not been made public. Of course the people of this country would love to listen to the defence of Vadhra, who has been teasing the IAC volunteers trying their best to make public the truth, trying to trifle the controversy !

Have the Haryana officials and politicians also played hand in gloves with the real estate sharks ? Should not the govt probe their dealings too ?

As the media puts it, 3.5 acres of land, 65 days and Rs. 50 crores profit.. If only every Indian could be so connected to have such dealings with DLF ..


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