Monday, February 25, 2013

Any difference between a hospital and a wellness centre ??

These days we see proliferation of holistic medicine centres, (also known as wellness centres).

The importance of hospitals to treat some of the surgeries, diseases and infections cannot be belittled. Only allopathic medicine has a treatment to that because they have carried out research in this area for hundreds of years and have thoroughly un derstood the human anatomy and microbial distributions in the body.

No one system of medicine offers cure to all maladies / diseases affecting the human body.  Even though neurology has developed well in allopathy, it has not developed as much as to treat comfortable diseases of the spine the central nervous system. Any damage to the nervous system is irreversible and is life threatening.

Cancer also follows the same path. There is no known cure in allopathy, though research is being conducted to find different ways and means to treat this disease. Is it truly a viral infection as in cervical cancer or has any genetic twist to it etc needs to be  understood in detail.

Where allopathy fails, all other streams of medicine especially Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Sidha, Yoga etc.. picks up. Actually what these systems of medicine do is offer placebos and a sense of wellness, which is actually playing with the mind. The scientific efficacy of these streams of medicine, conventional is yet to be proved scientifically with instances of universal applicability, repeatability etc..

The Hindu news about wellness centres to be established in all Narayana Hrudayalayas is a very comforting fact, in thqt the public need not be under the quacks operting in these alternate streams of medicine taking patients for a ride.

george easaw ..

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