Monday, February 04, 2013

Playing the beer distribution game ..

Team A seriously discussing their SC strategies !!
SC team C
SC team D
SC team B
SC team A

The third floor seminar hall was venue for the MBA Operations group at Alliance Uty Beer Distribution game on 4 th Feb 2013.   

The first two rows were the two retailers, the next row the wholesalers, the next the Distributors and final row the Manufacturer.

Four Supply Chains A, B C and D competed .. and the supply chain with the lowest cost was A ..

Besides cost we also recorded and analysed the variance of the orderts received and orders placed at each entity to capture the now well famous BullWhip effect on variance amplification along the supply chains..

A big thanks to Prof Mihir Dash, Prof Raju Gundala and the class reps Vishal and Alena for making this a reality and a great success with loads of learning  today in the class.. !! Now I am waiting for students to submit their reports of the game and the learnings ..

Notes from some of my earlier experiences playing the game at XIME, Bangalore.


1 comment:

  1. we really enjoyd dis game sir... n really it was a gr8 learning for us..


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