Saturday, February 23, 2013

Azim Premji - a model billionnaire ..

It is a good act from Azim Premji, to have earlier donated $  2 billion for philanthropy and now another $ 2.5 billion, In total about Rs 21,000 crores of money for the Azim Premji Foundation.

Years back when Wipro was just making its presence in the Indian ITES market, I happened to listen to him speak at the IIT Bombay convocation in 2000 or 2001. A great experience .. He spoke of his Stanford Uty days and how he had to quit it all and return to India on his fathers death as there was no one to manage the family business of Western India Products (WIPRO) of selling vanaspati and bulbs.

Today he has surprised us all by pledging this $2.5 b. 

He realises that the money he makes actually belongs to the society and momentarily it is out of some people's pockets and is in his pocket, the next moment it is out of his pocket too. Very pragmatic thinking. He is just the momentary keeper of society's wealth. 

May all the other rich men in the country too realise that the money handed over by the society to them for safe keep is returned back to society and not for any selfish, underworld dealings bringing misery, pain and suffering to them and the masses,.

The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own. - Benjamin Disraeli 

Through the Azim Premji foundation, Azim is carrying out the second message ..



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