Tuesday, December 09, 2014

How I intend to give back to the IIT system ..

I do not have money to throw for IIT like Gururaj Deshpande gave to IIT Chennai.

But I have the commitment to give back to the IIT system and to the government for giving me an opportunity to complete my higher studies at IIT Bombay.

Let me list out the ways in which I can do that.

There is a false notion doing rounds that one works only for oneself. Get a good cushy job, make money, live a happy l;ife, unmindful of the society around you. But that doe not work. 

Let me do it this way. I am sure many people may have different opinion. I respect that. 

1. Take a job which serves the society. By serving society we are helping the government.
2. Have concern for society and fellow human beings
3. Be patient if things do not go the way you want to. By just holding on, you can change things to the best interests of the society.
4. Help colleagues and subordinates with the right advice and information, when things appear to go topsy turvy.
5. Keep oneself up-to-date with the right, balanced, impartial information, not corrupted by any bias of region, religion or caste.
6. Exercise greatest sincerity to what you do and do it with all concern for fellow unfortunate human beings in society
7. Promise that whatever I/we do,  societal interests are always superior , then comes private interests.
8. Firmly hold to the belief that even a single person can do his mite to improve society and do not give up on this hope.
9. Do not get complacent with what one has achieved. we can strive to achieve lot more.

Together let us build the India that will lead the world for the next two centuries or more. 


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