Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Alice Vaidyan, Harvard trained Indian CMD, women empowerment gaining acceptance in India ..

The Harvard Business School trained Chairman cum Managing
Director of GIC of India ..
It is indeed a matter of great pride for all women of the country, app 640 million of them, almost twice the population of US, that a woman, Mrs. Alice Vaidyan, is heading the third largest profit-making Public Sector Undertaking in the country, General Insurance Corp of India (GIC), after SBI and LIC.

GIC made more than Rs 600 crore profit last year.

She had to work really hard to reach this position.  Taking care of three kids, touring around the world and by sheer perseverance and ability, pursued her academics at Harvard Business School, one of the oldest, respected and world's top academic institution in Boston US. The HBS stint helped to make her dream a reality.

She is a great example of determination and steadfastness to goals and purpose. Women empowerment is finally getting to be a reality in our country ! It came as a real surprise for me when Alice was voted by Times of India newspaper as one among the top five most powerful woman business leaders in India. Only she and Arundhati of SBI, chair the board of their respective organisations, rest all women leaders in the top 5 ranks are MD or CEO, with a Chairman above them.

The fact that she is my sibling is the topping of the pudding !


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