Tuesday, February 02, 2016

How India was enslaved and robbed, no international court to arbitrate on our behalf?

For the brief period of 300 years, the colonialists from the Industrial revolution went around the world and pillaged cultures, civilizations and enslaved people around the world. India was also a silent victim ..

I happened to visit the Victoria Museum in Kolkata two days back. The English along with the Portuguese, the Dutch and the French, have done more damage than they have contributed to the growth of the country.  From India controlling 24% of global GDP in 1750 AD, by 1947, the British managed to reduce this Indian contribution to barely 3% ...

India being one of the richest civilization, materially and culturally, till the eighteenth century, fell to the evil designs of the colonial forces and were denied rights. Our wealth was robbed and plundered and we slipped back economically among the nations of the world. 

India is now rising again and doing it very decently, not by robbing, killing or pillaging cultures. Robbing, killing, pillaging is the forte of our white friends from across the seas.. It is a reflection of their unintelligent and immature culture. India is doing it intelligently and with an open hand.

In the final count of humanity, it is the peace and friendship which each country manages with other countries and the richness of the culture that matters, not how many countries have been invaded or attacked and pillaged or how many people have been killed. 

The world will take time to realise this truth and even then not everybody will be able to understand its gravity.


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