Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Are we equally complicit as our politicians in generating black money in the country ?

Before we give our opinion for or against demonetization (delegalization of currency) in the country, can we keep our right palm on our left chest over the heart and without any prick of conscience, boldly state that we have not been involved in any way in creating or transacting black money in the country (money on which tax has not been paid to the country) ?? (This is a question to our dumb politicians too, from all major political parties, who have played with black money heavily and brought so much discredit for the country ..)
This could have been at some point in our life while seeking a favour, bribing someone, buying gold or selling and buying land and buildings, high end automobiles or stashing in foreign bank accounts. We do these and go about in society as pious, respectable citizens, followers of that famous father of the nation, Gandhiji !! 

These avenues account for 94% of black money generated in the country which is not yet targeted and conveniently pushed aside !

Let us first clear our conscience and try to be sincere to ourselves. If we are guilty of wrong doing, do we have the right to comment or point fingers at others on this matter ?
Let the person who is blemish-free, cast the first stone ! 🙏🙏

I had a discussion with my 93 year old father this evening regarding this delegalization drive in the Indian economy. He may not be a great economist like Amartya Sen, Kaushik Basu, former PM Manmohan Singh, Jean Dreze etc who are opposing the delegalization of currency notes. My father who graduated from Sacred Heart College Thevara, Kochi, Kerala, 70 years back in 1946 in Commerce feels that this is the right time for all well-meaning Indians to support the PM in the currency delegalization move, by taking small pains and sacrifices for the sake of the nation.
The country is behind the PM is exposing black money. Even the PM cannot say that he has not stood by people who have generated black money in the  country at some point in time. He is very much guilty as are all the other black money hoarders in the country.

The problem is that our PM is very divisive, abrasive in his behaviour and discourteous in communications with other politicians. He wants to make it feel that he finally did the things himself.. He does not believe in empowering others, there  were many opportunities in the past few weeks to take the whole country with him in this great cleasing move. But bad leadership spoiled the move..

Many people doubt the ability of the PM to take the whole country together in its drive against black money and black money hoarders. He is unable to convince the countrymen that he is not hands-in-glove with the criminal elements in our society. 

By his repeated efforts to stay away from the Parliament, the temple of Indian democracy and unwillingness to take part in any discussion regarding the delegalization drive with the representatives of the people, he is either staying away out of fear of being exposed as he may have engaged in black money operations many times in the past or he does not care and is showing utter contempt for democracy and democratic institutions.

This is not expected of a PM who is moderately educated and knows how the Indian and global economy works .. Unless he takes the opposition also with him and leads the country from front in this war against black money in the country, his efforts are not likely to bear fruits.

Great Leadership finally is the question .. not everybody has it ..

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