Thursday, November 10, 2016

What Trump victory means for India ..

Donald Trump appeared very balanced and mature in his victory speech. In the fast changing global scenario, democracy has once again succeeded, giving voice to the unheard and sidelined in the American society who came in large numbers and voted for Trump.
Photo courtesy, The Atlantic..

Indians by nature look at Republican Presidents with great skepticism ever since Nixon Kissinger team consciously tried to pull India down in the early seventies resulting in war with Pakistan and birth of Bangladesh. (even Kennedy's silence in the '62 Indo-China war is highly debatable). 

Time and tide waits for none and much water has flowed in the Ganges over the years.
In the modern global scenario of changed economic and military equations and strengths, the one thing India can strategically benefit from the Trump victory is the fact that US, if need be, will fight the proxy war or otherwise for India against China, given Trump's innate hatred for China.

We just have to keep quiet and not disturb when Trump blows his ego out and opens his mouth. Strategically using Trump for India's benefit is the key !

Given that US defence and financial secrets are already heavily compromised by Chinese hackers, there is not much Trump can do against the number one global economy of China than mellow down his stance and buy peace with Xi Jinping.

In the modern global economic, business and technological environment, where control and influence  are gravitating more to the New Delhi-Beijing axis, finally there is nothing much Trump can do, than flex some weak muscles occasionally!


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