Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Greatest Indian leaders .. ..

India is going through a great time leading the world in many areas. Were it not for the great leadership, democratic thoughts,  statesmanship and foresight of this great architects of Modern India, Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru, the writer, thinker, philosopher, statesman, intellectual, freedom fighter and what not, India would have gone the way of the failed state of Pakistan, down the drain.

There is a concerted effort by a radical and communal organisation to downplay the efforts of these two great leaders who gave their lives in shaping a modern India.  Today's petty politicians out of total ignorance of world history and Indian history, abuse them much but sadly, they are not in a position to come out of the grave to defend themselves.  Sadly there is nobody in the contemporary Indian political system to match Gandhi's foresight and Nehru's intelligence and statesmanship. Nobody in India can claim to have the respect Gandhi and Nehru commanded globally then.

Were it not for them and their policies followed by successive governments, we would not have had our great public sector enterprises, the civil service, the great hydel power projects, our prestigious space program and ISRO, our nuclear establishments, the white dairy revolution which ensured self suficiency in milk production in the country, the green revolution bringing self-sufficiency in food grains, the world's pride IITs, the prestigious IIMs, transportation infrastructure, ports, public sector enterprises and what not !

The great contemporary historian Ramachandra Guha had great respect for Nehru and his global appeal and writes thus -

Proud sons of India who are being demeaned by petty, ignorant and silly politicians, both will rise from the ashes yet again ..

While Gandhi gave ethical leadership for India to come out of the yoke of colonial rule, Nehru gave modern outlook and vision to the Indian dream to be a great nation.

The petty minds who point fingers at these great souls are doing a great disservice to the country. I can only pray that God give them sanity and ability to think clearly other than through a tinted glass.

Even if you cannot do any good to the country, please do not damage the country's reputation and past glory ! We need your help and cooperation in continuing with the incomplete agenda for the country set by our former national leaders.

As true patriotic Indians, we should not be satisfied with excellence handed over by great leaders from the past, it is just part of India's growth story. Instead of pointing fingers at our great leaders of the past, please be part of India's great growth story, this time with our current PM, Modi. Let us help Modi to contribute to making a great India.


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