Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Using Bloom's taxonomy to improve understanding and student learning ..

Courtesy Vanderbilt University
This morning I was discussing with Prof. Sajan Mathew regarding a question paper and I happened to show him a model of the paper.

We prepared it according to the Bloom's taxonomy principles ( click here for a very interesting and useful site giving the different aspects and levels of learning.)

Right from Benjamin Bloom's presentation in 1956 to the revisions in 2001 of addressing the learning outcomes  from any learning teaching experience is well illustrated in this document from Uty of Central Florida. (click here)

Critical terms to include in the Learning Objectives..
The accompanying image gives a good understanding of the learning at different levels and why we need to go to the higher levels in understanding and comprehension to ensure students are able to make better use of the knowledge with them. It also helps them to analyse and comprehend ideas better than usual.

Click here for an excellent video ..

The figure on left gives us the different terms that can be used to execute the different stages of Bloom's taxonomy while explaining or testing the students understanding. This can also be used while preparing or setting evaluation papers.

Courtesy getsmarter.com
The first two columns help only to check the knowledge and understanding the other four columns terms help to understand the student knowledge and understanding in deeper ways through application, analytical thinking, evaluation of different perspectives and creation of superior ideas, innovations and applications ..

Another comprehensive list of interesting and useful terms that can be used to check the students understanding and application of knowledge is given in this picture on the right.
Comparison between older and newer versions of
Bloom's Taxonomy

In short, incorporating Blooms Taxonomy in our teaching encourages students with higher cognitive thinking. It helps us ensure students are tested in their understanding and made to think more creatively and analytically.

At higher levels of education, the student through this approach is found to have better understanding and appreciation of the knowledge and find creative and innovative application of ideas in their professional and personal life.

Hope all teaching professionals in institutions of higher learning are made aware of these aspects of testing student understanding and awareness to improve the general teaching-learning environment in educational institutions and online educational sites.

The aim of any learning process should be to instill higher order thinking skills in the learner.

Click here for a crossword puzzle on the Bloom's Taxonomy concepts and thinking skills which is being distributed to the participants of the Bloom's Taxonomy Workshop to be held in Alliance University Bangalore for faculty participants on 22 Mar 2019.

Click here for my presentation to the faculty of Alliance University ..


1 comment:

  1. The idea and the concept to Theory is superb and to think...but still if the same can be used in a outside platform will register it's my opinion sir.
    Great initiative... Cheers


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