Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The GREAT Democratic exercise in India ..

While in Goa government service I had the good opportunity to be part of the Indian Government in it's election activity. I considered it always my sacred and bounden duty to be part of the largest democratic exercise of the world. In fact, it was a great privilege not every one would get to enjoy. Right from 1989 to 2006, I have officiated as Presiding Officer in almost eight elections, which included state legislative elections and elections to the Lok Sabha or Parliament and a couple of times as Counting Officer too. I am so thankful to the Goa Government for making me part of the largest democratic exercise in the world. (click here for an earlier writing on Indian elections)

Interesting facts about the upcoming Indian General Elections ....

Indian democracy at work .. Courtesy India Today.
Election is the festival of Democracy, but it is slightly expensive. It is at any point of time better than dictatorship (like in North Korea) or one party rule (like in our neighbourhood China, trying to make a mockery of human existence) or doctored elections by the military (like in Burma or Pakistan) or a mockery like in Somalia ..

Indian democracy thanks to it's great leaders from all ideologies and walks of life have contributed in large measure to its survival. India could have been taken over by the military (like in Pakistan) but we were lucky. We had great learned and well read, statesmen politicians like Pandit Nehru, who along with other great leaders like Patel, Prasad, Moulana Azad etc.. braved great pains, trials and tribulations to get the Indian Democracy ticking and kicking..

India's first Prime Minister could have been removed by the military, like in Pakistan, or he could have taken a very narrow stand, be communal or narrow minded and cunning, but his excellent global education, exposure and global standing made him act in tune with the great traditions this land always carried forward, tolerance and integrity.

Indian elections are getting expensive. In fact, it will be the most expensive elections ever done in India till date. The 2019 elections will be the most expensive in the history of the world at INR 50,000 crores ($7 billion). It translates to INR 555 per vote for the 900 million strong electorate, though only about 600 million are expected to vote. This would take costs per voter to INR 833 to get each Indian to walk to the polling station to make democracy tick in the world's largest democracy.

Voting machines, courtesy Getty images.
There are some booths in the inaccessible Andaman Nicobar Islands where the voters are so far and electoral officials have to go by boat, helicopter etc to reach the place. 

This surpasses US elections of 2016 which cost US $6.5 billion for 138 million Americans who voted (app $46 for each voter) ..


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