Monday, July 22, 2019

Chandrayaan 2 launched with clockwork precision ..

Courtesy TOI ..
While the whole world watches, the Scientists and Technologists from ISRO waitedin baited breath for the launch at 2:43 PM (IST) today 22 July 2019 of Chandrayaan 2 aboard the gigantic cryogenic 640 Tonne GSLV Mark III rocket.

Everything went to clockwork precision (click here for the video) and the Chandrayaan was launched on Monday afternoon. It is one of the toughest missions of ISRO, as this is the first mission which has a lander and a rover in it that will walk on the lunar surface.  Th present time duration of walking is two weeks, a lunar day, and it will cover almost 150-200 m of lunar surface. Then the night sets in, the rover does not get the sunlight (lunar night) and energy to power its solar arrays.

After two weeks at the onset of the lunar day, on Oct 5, we have to see how it will be able to capture sun's rays and leap back to life. The Chinese rover Yutu 2, in the lunar South pole sent aboard Chang'e 4 rocket, though initially was projected to have a life of a month is now in its sixth month and very healthy.

After a six and a half weeks flying manoeuvre covering 3,82,000 kms through barren space the 2378 kg spacecraft will enter lunar orbit.

The spacecraft will do a nail-biting soft landing in the Aitkin Basin in the lunar South Pole on the 7th of September, to share lunar surface with YUTU 2, the other healthy rover from China in the lunar South Pole for more than six months.

Courtesy ISRO, BBC
It's just good prayerful wishes from the bottom of the heart of every Indian for ISRO .. ISRO, get ahead with optimism, faith and great self-confidence .. The future belongs to YOU .. 

Just heard that ISRO is planning Chandrayaan 3 in 2020, which will also bring lunar soil back to earth. That is going to be a still tougher mission as the robotic rover will have to get back to the lander, that will then rise and dock with the orbiter in lunar orbit for the return journey to the earth.

This will be the precursor to India's first manned trip to Moon sometime around 2030 or before.

Europe and Japan which have managed to land on asteroids has not yet landed on lunar surface. This is a great moment not only for India, but the whole world ..


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