Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Covid influence on human and societal behaviour . .

Been reading lot of material on how Covid is going to influence human behaviour.

The three areas where there will be significant impact and changes will be visible are
1. Work from home employees increases upto 20-30% of workforce (click here for HBR May '20 doc, 3 behavioural trends that will shape our post Covid world)

2. Growth of single person homes

3. Less personal vehicle ownership and thus less rush hour traffic

4. Less density, in traffic or passengers, customers or houses etc

The biggest beneficiary of this change in human behaviour has been the environment and the animals cohabiting with us on planet earth. The air has become cleaner and we have seen numerous pictures of the Himalayan mountain range taken from distances of more than 200 kms with clear visibility. Animals have been found walking out of the forest into the county side enjoying their new found freedom.

What this entails will be

1. less vehicles and hence less vehicular induced air pollution
2. higher usage of internet video and communication/telephony 

3. less spend on office infrastructure and rentals

4. less density of human habitation and hence less stress on the environment

5. faster reclamation of polluted landfills and waterbodies, helping marine life

6. all the above results in better human , marine, plant and animal health

Are these changes permanent or temporary ?

It appears permanent and let us hope it remains so....


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