Saturday, July 11, 2020

How can the overall scenario be improved during this covid cisis ?

Right in the thick of the Covid crisis, we all are unduly worried not about our jobs, but how long this uncertainty will continue to haunt us in the world. Being a virus, we have all come to realise and understand that one day or othe in the net ive to si months, we will also get infected, in spite of the greatest precautions and care we take to prevent an infection.
Aside from core healthcare sector, where one requires specialised medical education to treat patients, the people of the world can collaborate in many ways that can help bring down the treatment expenses for the ordinary citizen of the world. Given that we have infected only close to 11 million citizens of the world and there are 7800 million people on earth, herd immunity is a distant dream.  

Herd immunity can happen when close to 40% of the people of the world are infected, which is close to 3120 million people, 3.1 billion. Given that we have so far infected just 11 million people,  there are another 3109 million people remaining to be infected,  a very scary scene..

Manufacturing of ventilators is an area where lot of automobile manufacturing companies of the world are already into and helping ease the crisis of the world

Making personal protective equipment (PPE) for healthcare professionals - If one asks any healthcare professional, be it doctors or nurses or other paramedical staf who are right in the thick of treatment of covid patients, one of the greatest concerns they raise is the discomfort and distress the healthcare professionals undergo while they are inside the PPE for 4 or 6 hours as the case may be. The Engineering world can take up the challenge how to improve protection from pathogens by wearing less restrictive PPE and how can existing PPE be made more comfortable for longer wear duration. 

Presently India is having a Covid infection rate of 25,000 a day, almost half of US at almost 60,000 a day. Very soon we will overtake US and jump into the 100,000 cases per day list and not very late, into the 200,000 infections per day list too. Prof. Dr. Ashish Jha, Professor and Director of Harvard Global Health Institute in one of his interactions with Indian media mentions that Indian Covid infections will soon hit the 200,000 a day mark soon.

Managing new Covid centres and transporting covid patients from and to these Covid centres and from and between hospitals could be another area where public can help. 

We find the Corona virus is redirecting jobs. Hoe can we use the people who have lost their jobs to help rebuild the economy during Covid and post Covid is an interesting question. This was studied by Ravin, Tracey and Susan in April '20 issue of HBR in an article titled How the Corona virus crisis is redefining jobs.

The following three steps will help make the transition lot clear.

1. We need to make jobs portable across organisations. 

2. We should be able to automate jobs in an accelerated manner. 

3. We also need to explore the possibility of sharing employees for cross industry talent exchange.

This can help qualified, experienced and willing people find gainful employment post Covid and bring down the sky rocketing treatment expenses. 


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