Saturday, January 02, 2021

5S quiz, EPGDM sem 4, Jan 2021 batch.

 Pl click on this link and answer this quiz.  Click here..

For the answers click here ..


1 comment:

  1. 5S is a tool used for designing products
    A) True
    B) False

    5S when implemented brings in 20% of improvement
    A) True
    B) False

    The second S in 5S is Sort
    A) True
    B) False
    ANSWER: False

    The fourth S in 5S is standardise
    A) True
    B) False
    ANSWER: True

    5S is used for workplace design
    A) True
    B) False
    ANSWER: True

    SOP stands for Standard Operations Practices
    A) True
    B) False
    ANSWER: False

    The father of Mass Assembly is Alfred P. Sloan
    A) True
    B) False
    ANSWER: False

    Scientific Revolution preceded Industrial Revolution
    A) True
    B) False
    ANSWER: False

    The word Lean Manufacturing was coined by the Japanese
    A) True
    B) False
    ANSWER: False

    Removal of waste is a fundamental element of Lean Manufacturing systems
    A) True
    B) False
    ANSWER: True

    Lean Manufacturing has its origins in GM’s production Systems
    A) True
    B) False
    ANSWER: False


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