Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Alibaba story from Jack Ma, CEO ..

Alibaba the B2B site that connects your businesses to some of the best suppliers and manufacturers from one of the most vibrant places in the world, China..  - the story ..

A beautiful writeup in pdf of the Alibaba story .. (from Financial Times..)

Alibaba is also helping in the building of China Smart Logistics network at a cost of $ 16 billion which will ensure that Alibaba's customers get their product anywhere in China within 24 hours and are able to process roughly 72 million orders daily with a value of roughly $4.8 billion .. For Alibaba, logistics is a key bottle-neck for e-commerce growth.

When China does it , it does it in style and BIGGGGGG ....!! With inniovations like alipay and alifianance, it is able to expand its business network rapidly with confidence and trust.

If Alibaba is able to transform the Chinese retail marketplace, it is sure to catapult China to the forefront of world nations instead of by 2020, even by 2015 ..

Is the West listening ?? Walmart has a lot to learn from this ..  A day will come soon when Walmart will also be sourcing its products through's ..


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